Naturally Dried Everlasting Bouquet


Naturally Dried Everlasting Bouquet

from $55.00

Naturally Dried, hand-tied and wrapped everlasting bouquets. These make great, sustainable, one-of-a-kind gifts for yourself or a friend. Each bouquet is unique and artfully designed by our lead designer. Specific flowers will vary from image. If you are looking for a certain dried flower, please give us a call.

Note: Dried florals are fragile and should be handled with care. Keep away from direct light to avoid fading.

Order/Delivery Details:

Online orders are available for next day delivery, Tuesday - Friday. Online orders can not be guaranteed for same day delivery. If you need same day or weekend delivery (or shipping), please call us at 973-532-2060.

If you would like delivery for your order be sure to add the delivery item from the shopping list to your cart. From there you will be able to fill out the delivery address and note options.

Note: Small Everlasting Bouquets ($25-$35) are availble for in studio purchase and pick-up.

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